Sunday, October 2, 2011

When I First Came to Bali

            It suddenly came to me a chance to make a trip to Bali, one of the most popular islands in the world. Don't envy me, because that trip wasn't for having fun or holiday or many other names were alike..Errr, it was for working. But again, I still wanna say thanks to Allah for getting me a great moment, Alhamdulillah..Let me flow with the story!!
         When I attended the workshop at Luwansa Hotel (Saturday-September 24th, 2011), I got a bit shocked by my phone ringing. In fact, Mrs.Husnia stood there in Java Island, was calling me. FYI, Mrs.Husnia is one of the Craft's womans I have to accompany along my job as TPL. Making of Batik Kalteng is her daily life..She asked me to go to Bali as a representative of her industry to attend a partnership meeting among small industries and big industries. Wow,,I quickly said  "Yes".hehe..

         The journey started on September 26th, 2011 and actually was so short (I think there is no enough for holiday :p). I came to Bali at Monday afternoon, when Bali showed me a very thouchy screen in the sky with its sunset. At Tuesday, we had a meeting with entrepreneurs from Bali; there were many different kinds of industries..After break for lunch, we had an awesome schedule; making trips to visit some industries. And the best was yet to come; we finally had a candle light dinner in Kuta (Ohhh, I always love the beach); seeing The Greatness of Allah by amazing view and it feels like I still hear the sound of waves (going overrated,hehe)..And sadly, we had to back home at Wednesday,,very short eh?? But I can say, my first journey to Bali is one of the moments I couldn't ever forget. It wasn't for holiday, someday maybe ^^ (hope deeply)
                                                (Balinese Traditional Music Instrument)

(I know I'll be missing to go back there)

                                                 (That's why I love the beach so much)

  (p.s : I'm still learning English..Again, forgive my bad :p)


  1. wah,, jalan2.. :) asiknya..

    kunjungan pertama..

  2. Hallo kak sinta, salam kenal
    iya,senang akhirnya bisa menginjakkan kaki di bali, meski byk tempat yg blm bisa dikunjungi..
    kak tuker2an link blog yuk? ^^
